Friday, May 13, 2016

Blog 8: Last one and Its Been Fun!

    I chose to comment on Viceroy Vera's blog which spoke on the issue of being Transgendered and identifying with certain public restrooms. Great topic to use since I am bombarded with post about the Target and transgendered situation daily on my Facebook. I for one am so tired of hearing about these restrooms as if women are too weak to defend themselves in a restroom. Or how about the idiotic  "I deserve my privacy" excuse. As if there aren't only stalls in the ladies room. This topic, just like any other backlash that has to do with the LGBT community, is completely driven by hate, fear, and an overwhelming ancient religious agenda.
     I like the use of direct quotes that you give from articles or other individuals who are dealing with this problem. The story of the transgendered teenager being suspended affected me the most. I would feel so upset to have someone watch me go to a restroom. The problem is that so many idiots have these fears that don't logically make sense. " I fear for my children's safety against predators." There goes the whole gays are pedophile excuse that A$$holes love to give. No one wants your snotty kids!! And when are their kids ever alone in a restroom. Also most transgenders have already gone through so much surgery and hormones that they completely look like the gender that they have chosen. They need to be worried about their husbands instead of their restrooms because a lot of these transgendered women look prettier than most natural born women. In the end time has shown us that sexuality and gender is not as black and white as we would like to think. There are men who want to be women but are heterosexual just like there are women who identify as men and are attracted to women. Being a bad person, or sexual predator has no gender. It could be anyone. However I am not willing to force a group of people into hiding based off of others fear, or a book that was written hundreds of years ago. It would be boring if everyone was the same, and I love to see someone brave enough to be different and who they are. You are right. The majority of the public have no problem. Sadly its the idiots that get the most airtime.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Blog Seven- I Have a Bone to Pick with our Government.

        The structure of our national government is kind of like a Beanie Baby. It seemed great at one point in time, but is kind of useless today. It seems so odd to me that the higher up you get on the governments totem pole the more support you need from those who are lower on the totem pole.  It was a great idea at the beginning of this country to have so many individuals involved in the process of the duties of our National Government. I'm sure everyone felt that this structure would make it possible for everyone to have a say in huge political changes, but instead it has built a school of political cliques that constantly fight against each other instead of help each other.
       Another problem that I have with the National Government is that it fails to regulate laws set if it doesn't apply to what they see as more important, like wars or money. For example, on June 26th of 2015 same sex marriage was legalized by the Supreme Court. Sadly there have been a few incidents where judges have refused to marry same sex couples based off of their own beliefs. These Judges have broken a law that was stated by our Supreme Court, yet no real repercussions have happened. Instead of the judges who are breaking the law loosing there license or even going to jail, they are still in their same position. Although these people clearly went against a law that our government is supposed to enforce, no one seems to be in a hurry to deal with the situation.  Our national governments need to respect the opinions of States to me seems so pointless and unhelpful. Its like a parent saying these are the rules but letting the kids run all over them. I believe that if a decision is made for the better good and freedom of the American people then it should be followed and enforced through the whole country. To be more clear, the national government needs to "man up" when it comes to these issues.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Blog Six: Critique on "Branches of Government" Blog

       This is an issue that I wasn't really educated in so it was interesting to read your blog and then do research of my own. The only criticism I really have for the structure of your article is that this would have been much more impressive if you had links to other news outlets and articles of the conditions of these camps from people who were there. Honestly when I first read your blog I thought that you were forcing your opinion on a subject that you had no real facts in, because in 2016 it is ridiculous that these camps would be worse than our prisons. So I did my research, and you were right. The conditions of these places and the people that are forced to be there are inhumane and terrible. Especially when you have children involved with the system.
       Which is exactly what CNN's article exposes, as well as presidential candidate Donald Trump's views on the immigration issue are. There is also an article written by a lawyer who shows first accounts on the problems these families face in these camps. It is very interesting stuff that our media of course keeps from the main points of view. What is worse to me is that this is a multi-billion dollar industry, yet these families are in the worst conditions. It is also sad that this topic has become almost a hate campaign against those who are Hispanic. As if there aren't European or Canadian illegal immigrants here. Now although I understand how ironic it is that our country was founded and built on immigration and those fleeing their countries for a better way of life, for us to then make a huge deal on immigration. I still have an issue with articles, post, and opinions of others on this topic.
       For one, to say this is like the Holocaust is a huge stretch. I don't think anything like the Holocaust or the enslavement of Blacks in this country can ever be compared to what is happening today. That statement alone discredits the real horrors that those involved had to go through. My other problem is that I see no one coming up with a real solution. Immigration laws are necessary to keep from overpopulation. We may not be the best country in the world but we are a hell of a lot better than many others, and it is impossible for us to take in any one who is looking for a better life. So although these camps need to be redesigned and fixed, what is the next step? We cant do away with these camps or this system. I thinks the camps need to have better health care, better legal advice and understanding to the detainees, and a better environment that keeps these people living with dignity during this hard time. But we cant get rid of the camps and immigration laws. What we need to do in my opinion is improve them.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Great Birth Control Debate

     It's 2016 and birth control and other contraceptives are still seen as a taboo in many communities. Without health insurance a monthly supply of inexpensive birth control can run you more than $75. It is ridiculous. If not free, then it should at least be much cheaper. It keeps those who are not ready to be parents stay baby free. Without birth control the need for abortions, whether legal or not, would sky rocket.
      It is incredibly ironic that those who condemn any kind of abortion usually also see contraceptives as a negative. We are telling people that it is wrong to abort a child and it is also wrong to take extra precautions to stay from conceiving. Why are so many people so contempt on controlling when and how others have sex. More affordable and available forms of birth control can help keep the cost down of money spent on welfare for teenagers that had children too early.
      Others complain that this would be a bad idea. Some say that birth control is not considered healthcare. Seeing that it is a medical prescription meant to alter the body for medical reasons, I don't see how that is so. Others have the same old incredibly naïve statement that if you don't want to be pregnant than don't have sex. Sex is what people do, period. Science has made a way for modern men and women to have a sex life without the consequences that could greatly change their life. As usual this debate is centered around making women feel guilty for wanting to enjoy their sexual freedom without having to put everything on hold to become a mother. As if there are no men involved in these acts. Making birth control at least more affordable and more available can only improve society.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Ann Coulter Thinks Donald Trump is oKKKay

          When we have the assignment of writing these lovely blogs on another blogger’s commentary post I purposely go to the links that represent a type of people that I would not necessarily agree with. I enjoy Sociology. I understand why people usually take certain sides even if I don’t particularly agree with them. Sadly however, there are some that I just can’t see the good in. There are people that speak on issues with such conviction and confidence even though history, facts, and science go against everything they say. I find it interesting to see their opinions, even though I am listing the things in my head that make their conclusion impossible. So this week when I noticed Ann Coulter’s blog on the list, I jumped to the opportunity to learn more about what these people think.

     The topic on most political pages stem around Donald Trump. He is a huge hot button right now. He is also a huge something else that we will get to in another blog at another time. There was another Republican debate this week and like a loyal puppy Ann Coulter followed with vigorous effort on social media and her blog to prove to us that anything negative about Trump is wrong and has a hidden agenda. This week she posted on her self-advertisement cluttered blog about the debate and titled it “Trump Wins Disavowal Game, Then Super Tuesday.” If you didn’t get your fill with Coulter’s poorly written unconvincing blog, there are pictures everywhere about her books that you can buy as you train your bald eagle to glare at unwanted Mexican Americans. But enough about you as a reader, let’s get back to why Ann thinks Donald rocked Super Tuesday.

     Her intended audience is a bit confusing to me. She can obviously get agreement and praise from those who are like minded thinkers. If she also intended to attract Democrats or those pesky Liberals then her effort was poorly done. As far as her credentials, on paper she looks great. A law student from New York City. The blonde hair and skinny body that statistically viewers would see as popular or attractive enough to listen to on radio and T.V. However, Ann Coulter is a walking contradiction. She has many conservative opinions and values that go directly against who she is. In an interview with “The New York Observer,” Ann states that she doesn’t think women should be allowed to vote and that this is the reason why there is ever a Democratic President. Odd coming from such an outspoken woman. She also sees herself as a supporter of gays or the LGBT community, but is very much against gay marriage. She claims that gays are only gay to be promiscuous and don’t really want to get married. She claims that she is for gay rights, just not marriage. So as far as credibility I am not impressed by someone who goes back and forth on all of their stances that make no sense, but back to her argument.

       Ann was upset that Donald Trump has been constantly asked to disavow David Duke. David Duke is a Republican, activist, founder of the Louisiana based KKK, and a very bad little boy. Ann claims that it is wrong to associate Trump with David Duke, and that this is just an attempt by the media to shed Trump in a negative light by incorporating him with the KKK. Well hold on. Both David Duke and the KKK are both huge supporters and endorsers to Trumps campaign. He had no issue with that until it was questioned by the media. With 40% of Trump voters polling that they think slavery should be legal again here, exactly what kind of people does Donald Trump think he’s representing? Ann then claims that at least David Duke has never been accused of rape (because that’s so much better than being an anti-sematic KKK clan founder) although Hillary Clinton’s husband has. Oddly enough what Anna did not seem to remember was that Donald Trump was also accused of rape by his very own ex-wife and has been in hot water for making statements that proclaim that women in the military should expect to be raped.

     Ann Coulter follows with many more personal attacks to the Clinton Family, the #BlackLivesMatter campaign, and randomly enough Al Sharpton. Her blog goes from standing up for her Republican hopeful to pointing fingers at anyone she can think of. For anyone who knows how to properly conduct a blog, article, or essay, her writing lay out is odd and her argument is backed up with jumbled accusations and personal thoughts. To ask what I think of her argument is a hard question for me, because I try not to argue with crazy people.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Have Your Straight Cake if You Want to Eat it Too

I recently stumbled across an article on Fox News website that critiqued an incident in Texas where a gay couple is taking legal actions against a bakery that refused to make a wedding cake for them because of their sexuality. Todd Starnes who is an American conservative journalist wrote this article in what can be seen as a very bias way to attract not only other "God loving Americans," but also to obviously attract attention. Todd Starnes is a strict conservative that has landed jobs with Baptist Press, Chattanooga Times Free Press, and even Fox News. He was however fired from his position with Baptist Press after misquoting an Education Secretary in a controversial article. He has also published a few books and has a large Republican, right wing, and Christian following. His Article speaks on how a small town Christian owned Bakery declined wedding cakes to Ben Valencia and Luis Marmolejo for their same sex wedding. The owners of the bakery, Edie and David Delorme, claim that when the couple came in they politely declined to making them a cake because it would "conflict with our spiritual convictions." Since this is legally prejudice in our country, the couple seeked a legal team and made their experience public through news crews. Since then the Delormes not only have had to also lawyer up, but their business is declining and they have been receiving threats. Its obvious that the writer Todd Starnes is in agreement with the bakery owners by the way he conducts this article. He doesn't bother interviewing the gay couple in this legal battle. Instead he takes a statement that the couple says and states that the couple wants the owners to "violate their beliefs." The word violate was not actually used by the couple. Starnes then claims that the owners needed legal counseling because many Christian owned businesses are being "targeted by LGBT activist." In almost an ironic and comical twist the owners claim that they just "want equal rights," and to "be treated equally." I found it crazy that someone can claim that, after themselves not allowing another group to be treated equally. In even more comical fashion Starnes stands up with his American flag cape and ask " Shouldn’t Christian Americans have the same rights and privileges as LGBT Americans?" My mind is officially blown. It can be first assumed that my post on this is in itself biased since I obviously support the LGBT community, but its so much more than that. For devoted Christian business owners to ask to be treated with equal rights of their views, but deny service to other Americans for their beliefs and who they are is just a reminder on how backwards Americans can think. There was once a time when a person of color couldn't enter certain bakeries because it was against the owners beliefs or values to serve them. This is America people! You know, the place where you right winged conservatives love to boast about the land of the free! Yet then turn around and discriminate against those who are different from you. I am a Christian, and I don't know how of all the main points in almost any religion that point out be a good person and treat others the way you want to be treated, religious nuts have somehow molded that into "hey I can push you away if your not just like me because Jesus says so." It is all so backwards. This couple has a huge legal leg to stand on, and I hope they get the justice that they seek. However, that is what is wrong with our government today, we claim one thing, but then flip it to what pleases us religiously. Starnes claim is that and all faith based business should have the right to do this. I argue that this can open the door to discriminating against almost anyone. In the end if we can all just learn to respect one another even if we don't agree with their beliefs, then we can all strive. That idea is basically laid out in the constitution. If we can learn to separate religion from law or business, then life as we know it would be a piece of cake.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Blog Assignment 2- Killer Water

The new topic all over the news is the horrible neglect of certain U.S. water systems. It is ridiculous to think that in our country there are claims of dirty or contaminated water to our citizens. This is America isn’t it? The land of the free. Where our government always has our back. Where you can do your school work at a Starbucks and keep up with the Kardashians at the same time. There must be some type of mistake right? This kind of neglect, secrecy, and lack of regard for nature and our wellbeing couldn’t be happening in our great country, could it? Well folks the answer is yes, and the pollution of water for Michigan is really just a tiny piece to the shit show of a puzzle that governs and looks after it. On February 9th,2016 Time magazine posted an article titled "Erin Brockovich:It's Not Just Flint- America Has A Scary Water Problem" goes over the fact that it is not just Michigan that is going through this problem. A small town in upper New York called Hoosick Falls is finally getting attention for their water crisis. Many citizens have complained about the dumping of Perfluorooctanoic acid or PFOA which is a chemical found in Teflon. Studies show that this chemical causes Cancer, which in this case, a large amount of people in Hoosick Falls have. Local and state authorities of course played this possibility down, but after more outrage finally provided test and told the people of Hoosick Falls to refrain from drinking or cooking with the tap water. The main problem which is stated in the article, is that the Toxic Substance Control Act is pretty useless and needs to be updated. There just aren’t any real regulations that protect the people from big businesses or corporations dumping and keeping secret what they put into our water. The effects cause disease, health problems, and deformities that the payout of lawsuits just don’t justify. The question isn’t really who is doing this, but more so how they are getting away with this in America.