Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Blog Assignment 2- Killer Water

The new topic all over the news is the horrible neglect of certain U.S. water systems. It is ridiculous to think that in our country there are claims of dirty or contaminated water to our citizens. This is America isn’t it? The land of the free. Where our government always has our back. Where you can do your school work at a Starbucks and keep up with the Kardashians at the same time. There must be some type of mistake right? This kind of neglect, secrecy, and lack of regard for nature and our wellbeing couldn’t be happening in our great country, could it? Well folks the answer is yes, and the pollution of water for Michigan is really just a tiny piece to the shit show of a puzzle that governs and looks after it. On February 9th,2016 Time magazine posted an article titled "Erin Brockovich:It's Not Just Flint- America Has A Scary Water Problem" goes over the fact that it is not just Michigan that is going through this problem. A small town in upper New York called Hoosick Falls is finally getting attention for their water crisis. Many citizens have complained about the dumping of Perfluorooctanoic acid or PFOA which is a chemical found in Teflon. Studies show that this chemical causes Cancer, which in this case, a large amount of people in Hoosick Falls have. Local and state authorities of course played this possibility down, but after more outrage finally provided test and told the people of Hoosick Falls to refrain from drinking or cooking with the tap water. The main problem which is stated in the article, is that the Toxic Substance Control Act is pretty useless and needs to be updated. There just aren’t any real regulations that protect the people from big businesses or corporations dumping and keeping secret what they put into our water. The effects cause disease, health problems, and deformities that the payout of lawsuits just don’t justify. The question isn’t really who is doing this, but more so how they are getting away with this in America.

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