When we have the assignment of writing these lovely blogs on another blogger’s commentary post I purposely go to the links that represent a type of people that I would not necessarily agree with. I enjoy Sociology. I understand why people usually take certain sides even if I don’t particularly agree with them. Sadly however, there are some that I just can’t see the good in. There are people that speak on issues with such conviction and confidence even though history, facts, and science go against everything they say. I find it interesting to see their opinions, even though I am listing the things in my head that make their conclusion impossible. So this week when I noticed Ann Coulter’s blog on the list, I jumped to the opportunity to learn more about what these people think.
The topic on most political pages stem around Donald Trump. He is a huge hot button right now. He is also a huge something else that we will get to in another blog at another time. There was another Republican debate this week and like a loyal puppy Ann Coulter followed with vigorous effort on social media and her blog to prove to us that anything negative about Trump is wrong and has a hidden agenda. This week she posted on her self-advertisement cluttered blog about the debate and titled it “Trump Wins Disavowal Game, Then Super Tuesday.” If you didn’t get your fill with Coulter’s poorly written unconvincing blog, there are pictures everywhere about her books that you can buy as you train your bald eagle to glare at unwanted Mexican Americans. But enough about you as a reader, let’s get back to why Ann thinks Donald rocked Super Tuesday.
Her intended audience is a bit confusing to me. She can obviously get agreement and praise from those who are like minded thinkers. If she also intended to attract Democrats or those pesky Liberals then her effort was poorly done. As far as her credentials, on paper she looks great. A law student from New York City. The blonde hair and skinny body that statistically viewers would see as popular or attractive enough to listen to on radio and T.V. However, Ann Coulter is a walking contradiction. She has many conservative opinions and values that go directly against who she is. In an interview with “The New York Observer,” Ann states that she doesn’t think women should be allowed to vote and that this is the reason why there is ever a Democratic President. Odd coming from such an outspoken woman. She also sees herself as a supporter of gays or the LGBT community, but is very much against gay marriage. She claims that gays are only gay to be promiscuous and don’t really want to get married. She claims that she is for gay rights, just not marriage. So as far as credibility I am not impressed by someone who goes back and forth on all of their stances that make no sense, but back to her argument.
Ann was upset that Donald Trump has been constantly asked to disavow David Duke. David Duke is a Republican, activist, founder of the Louisiana based KKK, and a very bad little boy. Ann claims that it is wrong to associate Trump with David Duke, and that this is just an attempt by the media to shed Trump in a negative light by incorporating him with the KKK. Well hold on. Both David Duke and the KKK are both huge supporters and endorsers to Trumps campaign. He had no issue with that until it was questioned by the media. With 40% of Trump voters polling that they think slavery should be legal again here, exactly what kind of people does Donald Trump think he’s representing? Ann then claims that at least David Duke has never been accused of rape (because that’s so much better than being an anti-sematic KKK clan founder) although Hillary Clinton’s husband has. Oddly enough what Anna did not seem to remember was that Donald Trump was also accused of rape by his very own ex-wife and has been in hot water for making statements that proclaim that women in the military should expect to be raped.
Ann Coulter follows with many more personal attacks to the Clinton Family, the #BlackLivesMatter campaign, and randomly enough Al Sharpton. Her blog goes from standing up for her Republican hopeful to pointing fingers at anyone she can think of. For anyone who knows how to properly conduct a blog, article, or essay, her writing lay out is odd and her argument is backed up with jumbled accusations and personal thoughts. To ask what I think of her argument is a hard question for me, because I try not to argue with crazy people.
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