I chose to comment on Viceroy Vera's blog which spoke on the issue of being Transgendered and identifying with certain public restrooms. Great topic to use since I am bombarded with post about the Target and transgendered situation daily on my Facebook. I for one am so tired of hearing about these restrooms as if women are too weak to defend themselves in a restroom. Or how about the idiotic "I deserve my privacy" excuse. As if there aren't only stalls in the ladies room. This topic, just like any other backlash that has to do with the LGBT community, is completely driven by hate, fear, and an overwhelming ancient religious agenda.
I like the use of direct quotes that you give from articles or other individuals who are dealing with this problem. The story of the transgendered teenager being suspended affected me the most. I would feel so upset to have someone watch me go to a restroom. The problem is that so many idiots have these fears that don't logically make sense. " I fear for my children's safety against predators." There goes the whole gays are pedophile excuse that A$$holes love to give. No one wants your snotty kids!! And when are their kids ever alone in a restroom. Also most transgenders have already gone through so much surgery and hormones that they completely look like the gender that they have chosen. They need to be worried about their husbands instead of their restrooms because a lot of these transgendered women look prettier than most natural born women. In the end time has shown us that sexuality and gender is not as black and white as we would like to think. There are men who want to be women but are heterosexual just like there are women who identify as men and are attracted to women. Being a bad person, or sexual predator has no gender. It could be anyone. However I am not willing to force a group of people into hiding based off of others fear, or a book that was written hundreds of years ago. It would be boring if everyone was the same, and I love to see someone brave enough to be different and who they are. You are right. The majority of the public have no problem. Sadly its the idiots that get the most airtime.
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